martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Tasmania, Australia.

Si alguien me hubiera dicho, no hace mucho tiempo, que alguno de mis trabajos estaría en el otro lado del mundo, no lo hubiera creido. Pippi Langstrumpf vive en Tasmania, Australia y hasta alli viajó uno de mis Bonsais. Ella es una fantástica artista que tiene una tienda en etsy y un blog “Under the shade of a Bonsai Tree” y ha sido tan amable de mostrarme donde el bonsai ha echado raices. Muchas gracias :)

If someone had said to me, not a lot of time ago, that someone of my works would be in another side of the world, I never would not have believed it. Pippi Langstrumpf lives in Tasmania, Australia, and up to there travelled one of my Bonsais. She is a fantastic artist who has a shop in etsy and a blog " Under the shade of a Bonsai Tree " and has been so nice of appearing where the bonsai has thrown roots. Thank you very much :)

1 comentario:

Jacquie dijo...

It's such a cute and colourful bonsai and it makes my market stall look wonderful. I got so many lovely comments from customers about it!